“I’m a Christian.” That is the response given by many in answer to such questions as, “What do you believe?” or
“What faith are you?” While these words are very easy to say, they
are much harder to live.
This living of the faith is the problem we face.
Too often, we forget that Christianity is a lifestyle to live, not just a profession to be made.
We love Jesus and desire to follow Him; we truly
want to be saints. Yet, while we in faith have left the broad road of sin to walk
with Jesus the narrow way of holiness (Mt. 7:13,14), we live at the place where these two paths cross. The address of the followers of Christ on earth is the intersection of Narrow and Broad.
It is our passion to help sincere followers of Christ
in this very area. Through seminars, retreats and resources we will help believers
discover and explore practices, attitudes and lifestyles that will enable them to be saints in Satan’s domain, to live
lives of sanctity amid the secular attitudes of this world.
Living the “Narrow Way” life in a “Broad Way” world is not easy. But we believe it is possible. Others have done it. Christ has done it and promises to help us to do it too! It is our
intention to help others discover their spiritual destiny and learn the secrets of successful Christian living in the everyday
world in which we must live.