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Christian Unity

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In Jesus high priestly prayer (John 17), Jesus prayed for the Apostles and all who would believe because of their witness. This of course would include followers of Christ living even today. He prayed that they might “become completely one so that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.” (v 23) St. Paul addresses this same issue as he appealed to the church at Corinth “that all of you should be in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you, but that you should be united in the same mind and the same purpose.”  (1 Cor 1:10)


It is our belief in light of these scriptures and a host of others, that the disunity that exists among the followers of Christ breaks the heart of God and weakens our witness and worship of Him in the world. If the Body of Christ is separated, how can we complete the mission of Christ that is set before us? The world will not be won until we are one.


It is our intention as fellow members of the household of faith to continually call out to our brothers and sisters, who seem to gather together in their own rooms of the house, and invite them to come to the common “family room” and enjoy deeper fellowship with our Father through deeper fellowship with one another. We believe that if, out of our common love for our Lord, we will learn to honestly and lovingly listen to and ask questions of one another we will know the joy of finding Jesus in deeper ways as we find Him in each other. Could it be that there is a joy we have yet to experience; a deeper finding of Jesus that we do not yet know? Is it not worth the try? 


It is often our lack of understanding of each other’s own faith practices that keep us apart. It is our intention to be a vehicle of unity through teaching on this subject and providing opportunities for believers of various faith perspectives to meet, discuss and worship together. 

“Helping You Find His Passion, Helping You Discover Your Destiny”


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