“Are we there yet?” “Is it Christmas yet?” “How much longer?” These
kinds of questions, that start coming from the very young, show how hard waiting is for us. And when you are waiting, answers
like “almost” and “soon” can be as grating on the nerves as the wait itself.
Maybe it is because of this very human impatience
that the Church year begins with Advent (Latin, adventus) which means “coming”. It is a time of expectant
waiting and preparation for the coming of Jesus. This is to be more than an historical observance, but to remind us that we
are to prepare and wait for His coming again in glory. We also should be waiting and preparing for Him to show up in our lives
on a daily basis.
Paul said that God is working in us to both will and do His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). We need to be waiting for that;
the fulfillment is coming soon. In the letter to the Romans he tells us that God is working all things together for our good
and His glory (Romans 8:28). He is doing that; we need to be expectantly waiting for it. And if God has placed a specific
call and promise in your life He will fulfill it. It is coming soon; wait for it.
My prayer for you is that you will have a blessed Advent. Though waiting, even on Jesus, can
be hard; when He shows up it will be worth it.
Blessings, Fr. David A. Barrett