Matthew 10:34-42
What is Jesus saying in this Gospel? I believe that He is reminding us that we are at war in the Christian life.
We war against Satan and his minions, the world system and our own sinful nature.
It is not easy. At times it is extremely difficult! I have found that I have never faced as much hell as when I am totally committed to work for heaven. What do we do when the battle gets hot and the going gets tough?
In the movie,
“The Patriot”, Mel Gibson’s character, Benjamin Martin, has once again become discouraged with how the war,
especially how he and his men’s part in it, is going. His oldest son Gabriel
tries to encourage him with the justice of their cause and ends his dialogue with the words “Stay the course, father”.
When Gabriel
is killed, Benjamin becomes despondent. He has buried his son and has decided
to leave his post and go home to his family. His friend, under whom he had been
serving, begs him to stay. At the end of his speech he uses the same terms that
seem to raise Benjamin out of his despondency, “Stay the course”.
These are
the same words and attitude we must adopt as Christians and Soldiers of the Kingdom.
We are told over
and over again by our Lord, the Prophets and the Apostles that there will be difficulties and trials. While there is joy, the Christian life is not about just being blessed, having our wants and needs met
and being happy. The intimation of some that sickness difficulties, etc. are
signs of a lack of faith, etc. is simply not true. Many times just the opposite
is true.
In the midst of the battles we fight with Satan and the
world system, we cannot give up. The victory is guaranteed. It has already been won. While we enforce that victory upon
the kingdom of Satan, we must determine to not give up or give in. Stay the Course!
Facing difficulties,
persecution, and misunderstandings is hurtful and can tear us down mentally, physically and spiritually. The image of a Christian being the always smiling “bobble head doll” is a false one. We are not immune from being tired or being drained. We, like
everyone else, become discouraged and impatient when things don’t run on our timetable or how we expect them to run.
These feelings themselves are not sinful. They are natural. While we are spiritual beings first, enthused
with the life of God, we still live in these human shells. What we must be careful
of is not letting our feelings run away with us or cause us to stop moving forward and stop believing.
God’s dreams for us will
come true! The devil has no power to stop what God has declared. If God has meant it to be, it is already as good as done. We
only have to wait for its manifestation. We must learn to continue saying through
our tears and in spite of our feelings, “I BELIEVE”. Stay the Course!
We have been called to the privilege of fighting the glorious
battle. While it is not always easy, it is always assured. The smallest thing we do for our Lord will be rewarded by Him. When we need a word, the Holy Spirit will
give it. When we need the faith, His faith will rise up in us. It is not over. The devil’s plans and works are all
very temporary. We live in the eternal and His Kingdom will and is coming.
It is here! The things, which we look at, which are unseen, WILL suddenly
burst forth into manifestation. Don’t lie down! Don’t quit! “Stay the course!”