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Jesus had a strange way of treating the blind. Whether they sought Him out, called to Him when they sensed Him close or if He saw them on His way; He always asked what they wanted. He always left it to them if they truly wanted to see. So it is in our spiritual journey. If we desire to see anew, or clearer, into the spiritual, the move is up to us.  Only He can give us the sight, but only we can make the request.


What do you want to see, need to see, this year? What great thing needs to burst into view for you?  A clearer vision of Who He is?  The manifestation of a long awaited for promise?  Whatever it is, you need to approach Him with the request, “Open my eyes, Lord.” It is not His will that His people sit in darkness. The light that shone for the wise men to follow still shines for those who are willing to seek for it.


“Open our eyes to see, Lord. To see Your will accomplished. To see Your glories revealed. To see You.  We need to see You shine Your illuminating light in, on and around us so we can –


            See Thee more clearly,

            Love Thee more dearly,

            Follow Thee more nearly,

            Day by day.”


Have a Blessed Epiphany,


Fr. David A. Barrett

“Helping You Find His Passion, Helping You Discover Your Destiny”


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