In Advent, we look forward to
the coming of our Lord. In Epiphany we rejoice over His unveiling to us. These are both
joyful times of worship and rejoicing. Then comes Lent. Here is a time when we must
do what is the hardest for us; take a long honest look at ourselves. Jesus has come, now all things are
possible. He has been revealed and we can see what we can become. During Lent, we examine
ourselves to see how we measure up to Him and our potential in Him.
danger of self-examination is that we will not be totally honest with ourselves about ourselves. The fact
is we are sinners in need of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This is a truth spelled out in scripture and lived
out in our daily lives. Yet, we are tempted to overlook this fact or make excuses for our actions and attitudes
that need to change.
Lent challenges us to accept the
truth that “You are dust, and to dust you shall return.” This is not meant to degrade ourselves
but to remind us that we need His grace and that we are totally reliant upon the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives to become
all we can be and all He desires for us to be. Without this recognition, we will never change and grow.
Without this recognition, Christ’s Advent and Epiphany have no personal effect upon us. Without
this recognition, which is a type of death, we can never enjoy or appreciate the power of Easter.
this time to look at yourself through the lens of grace. Because of Jesus we are not stuck where we are
or how we are. We can be made brand new. But before we can have the benefits of this
grace, we must be honest about our needs. This is what Lent is about. Walk it prayerfully
and hopefully.
God be merciful to me a sinner,
Fr. David A. Barrett