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                                              The Wind of the Holy Spirit  

In John 3:1-9, we read of a well known conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus about salvation. The setting of this conversation is the Mount of Olives overlooking the city Jerusalem.  One can imagine the wind in the valley below them rustling the leaves of the olive trees.

Jesus is explaining to Nicodemus that a man who was conscious of his guilt, burdened by his weaknesses and bound by fetters of the spirit could be set free by the Spirit of God—released in a flash.  The term He uses is “born again”.

Nicodemus looked in utter bewilderment at the Master Teacher and replied, “How?” (Nicodemus how could you, a master in Israel, miss the greatest point of all—the very purpose of faith?)  Jesus answered him by saying, “Nicodemus, listen to the wind, listen to the wind.”  That is what we need to do today.  All who are bewildered by religious differences and changing times need to listen to the wind. 

The first point Jesus makes about the wind is “THE WIND BLOWS” (vs. 8).  This denotes the ceaseless action of the wind.   The wind of the Spirit has blown throughout all times.  Open the first page of the Bible and it is there. “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.”  (Genesis 1:1-2 NRSV)Turn to the last pages of the Bible and it is there also.  “The Spirit and the Bride say come.”  (Revelation 22:17) 

The wind of the Spirit is blown in different ways and waves.  At times it blows into the quiet place and the awe of God spreads over the Church.  It may come as a hurricane of power as did the eruption of the power of God in Acts 2.  The wind of the Holy Spirit is still in action today.  He desires to move in His Church and in our lives. 

Jesus’ second observation about the wind is that it blows “WHERE IT CHOOSES” (vs. 8).  This denotes the sovereignty of God’s wind.  This wind has no home address other than that He is God.  No one can contain this Spirit.  It is not the possession of any one group or denomination.  Throughout all time the Spirit of God has moved where He chooses.  It may be upon and through a harlot named Rahab in order to save His Old Testament people.  He blew upon a tormentor named Saul of Tarsus knocking him to the ground, blinding him and changing his life making him the premier apostle.  Even in these days we see moves of God that baffle the mind. 

In some places it is akin to the shaking of dry bones that Ezekiel saw in his dream.  Even when men resist His power, this wind ignores the barriers.  “All right wind, we’ll build political and ideological walls to keep you out.  Ok wind, we’ll draw lines and make rules to define where and how you can act.”  The wind pays no attention!  The wind blows where He chooses!  Don’t try to hold Him in.  Just as certain as we become jealous about the wind, He will be grieved and blow in areas we think He shouldn’t or can’t.  

The third thing about the wind is “YOU HEAR THE SOUND” (vs. 8).  This speaks to the indisputable evidence of the wind.  There is evidence of the Spirit’s power.  Just as with natural wind, no lecture is needed to tell a man that the wind is blowing.  We can know this by the senses.  All we have to do is observe what is happening in our world today and in the church world and we can sense the wind.  If one will seek Him, we can feel Him and know when the wind is blowing in our personal lives.   

We also know the wind by its effects.  In the Acts of the Apostles, those who persecuted the Church “recognized them as companions of Jesus (Acts 4:13).”  These men bore the effects of being Spirit-filled and led.  The world should know the same of us.  We must not be different to just be different, but different as an effect of the Spirit operating in our lives. 

About this wind, Jesus said, “WE DO NOT KNOW WHERE IT COMES FROM” (vs. 8).  This speaks of the mystery of God.  Some try to eliminate the mystery.  They fear anything they cannot explain or control so they reject it.  The best thing for all of us to do is accept the mystery and thank God!  Meteorologists are concerned about the scientific aspects of the weather and the wind.  I just enjoy the breeze and accept a beautiful day.  There may be some theologians who are obsessed with where the Spirit of God originates and when, how and where He can operate.  I believe it is time for us to accept the fact that the wind is blowing!  We know it is of God and we need to accept it.  We do not have to be burdened with explanations.  Let’s just experience God.

Finally, Jesus said of the wind, that “WE DO NOT KNOW WHERE IT GOES” (vs. 8).  This is the unknown destiny that comes with walking in the wind.  Who knows where the Spirit of God will take us?  We must have the attitude that where He leads, I will follow.   

The wind is blowing.  Listen to the wind.  Don’t resist the wind.  Accept the wind of the Spirit and receive the Spirits blessings. 


                              Father David A. Barrett

“Helping You Find His Passion, Helping You Discover Your Destiny”


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