Bible teaches us that God is eternal. We are finite. In plain terms, we live in a cycle of time and time is irrelevant
to God. That is an important fact to remember when we are “waiting on God.”
Psalmist states that all of our days are written in God’s book before even one has happened. That is good news!
That means God has a plan. We are all born with a unique call and destiny. Because we are finite, God can only
“unfold” for us a little at a time. If He gave it to us all at once, it would totally overwhelm our mind
and senses. So, as Isaiah put it, “line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little,”
God unfolds His call and brings us into our destiny as we can handle it. He works all of our circumstances, failures
and, yes, sins (none of which surprised Him) into His grand plan if we will trust and believe to the best of our ability.
It may seem we are waiting on God, but in truth, God is waiting on us to be at the point where He can move us forward.
And since this plan has to do with His eternal purposes, only God truly knows what those points of readiness are.
have one duty in all of this. KEEP BELIEVING! If our faith is in Him, if the intent of our heart is to serve Him,
He will bring it to pass. We will see God move. God will fulfill His purpose for us. That is His promise.
Everything in your life is preparation for God’s next move. Look for it. Expect it. God is moving.
You will be what God has called you to be.
Now, that is good news!
David A. Barrett