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The season of The Epiphany is to celebrate the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Gentiles. Thank God that Jesus came for the whole world and that we have been given the marvelous privilege of seeing Him! The Book of Hebrews was written to a group of Hebrew Christians, yet since we are all made one in Christ; it has much to say to all of us at this time.


Like all of us, these believers had some discouraging times. For them, persecution and hardship had brought them to the place of considering reverting back to their old lifestyle. The writer of Hebrews reminds them how great their salvation is and how the new life in Christ is superior to the old life without Him. In the second chapter of Hebrews there is captured for us the dilemma that we all face and its answer.


The first part of verse 8 reminds us that Jesus has power over all. All things are subjected under Him. Jesus stated this Himself.


                        “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority

                        in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” –

                        Matthew 28:18


As God the Son, and through His death and resurrection, Jesus has power over sin, over Satan and demonic forces, over sickness and disease, over nature, over nations, over events, over peoples, over EVERYTHING! He is sovereign God and all things are subject to Him.


But herein lies our problem. We do not always see this in our experience (V. 8b). Even though we know He has all authority, we see things that SEEM to not be under subjection. We do not always see His power and authority exercised. Sin is rampant and seems to be getting worse, Satan seems to have much under his power and control, people suffer with sickness and disease, nature seems to be in upheaval, nations, peoples and events often seem to be out of control.


We don’t know all the reasons why these things are so. But the answers to “Why” are not the important thing anyway. If we will take time to look with eyes of faith, we can say what the writer said in Hebrews 2:9, “but we do see Jesus…!” Seeing Him will give us a new and more realistic perspective.


We must understand that Satan will not just give in and go away even though he knows his destiny. We must remember that sin has its consequences. But more importantly, we must remember that it’s not all over yet!


We must see Jesus! We must keep our eyes of faith off of circumstances and on Jesus. His is the Victor and we must see Him crowned with glory and honor! (Revelation 14:14) When we are discouraged, we need to see the Wonderful Counselor. When we feel we are up against impossibilities, we need to see the Mighty God. When we have failed, we need to see the Father of eternally new beginnings. When we are in turmoil, we need to see the Prince of Peace. When we are sick, we need to see the Healer. When we are lost, we need to see the Savior. When we need power, we need to see the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit. When we have any need, we need to see the Provider.


Whatever you need, you don’t have to fear or worry! This Epiphany, see Jesus! He is crowned with glory and honor which He would love to share with you, RIGHT NOW!


                                              Yours for a bright Epiphany,

                                              Fr. David A. Barrett

“Helping You Find His Passion, Helping You Discover Your Destiny”


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