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            Thursday, November 22, 2007 we in the United States will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Businesses will close, industry will close down, schools will be dismissed and most will eat way too much! But the real idea behind this holiday is that we might have time to reflect and to give thanks.


            Giving thanks is important. For the Christian this is not an optional matter. We are to be a people for whom giving thanks is a daily habit. St. Paul tells us that it is with thanksgiving that we make our requests known to God (Philippians 4:6). Colossians 3:15 admonishes us to simply, “Be thankful.” The Bible even describes that a lack of thankfulness as one of the signs of the increasing evil of man in the end times. We cannot let that attitude slip into our lives. WE ARE TO BE THANKFUL.


            Not only giving thanks, but how we give thanks, is also important.  Ephesians 5:20 tells us that we are to give thanks to God the Father at all times and in all things in the Name of Jesus as we pray. But our thanksgiving should also be evident in our lifestyle; in everything we do and say (Col. 3:17). How we live our lives, spend our time, use our talents and blessings, treat those around us and take care of all that God has given us should be acts of thanksgiving. And that thanksgiving should be evident no matter where we are; in public (Ps. 35:18) and in private (Dan. 6:10).


            When should we give thanks? Always! Whenever we think about God, it should prompt us to begin giving thanks. We should be giving thanks always and continually. (See Ps. 97:12 and Heb. 13:15)


            What should we be thankful for? Surely for our faith, our church, our family, our friends, our freedom. But let us not forget God’s goodness and mercy (Ps. 107:1), the gift of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 9:15), our salvation (Ps. 35:9), deliverance from every sin (Rom. 7:23-25), supply of our needs (1 Tim. 4:4) and our victories through Christ (1 Cor. 15:57).


                Be thankful! No one can be thankful for you. No one can be thankful like you, because no one knows like you do what He has done for you! Make this a real Thanksgiving and then make thankfulness a part of everything you do everyday.



                              Father David A. Barrett

“Helping You Find His Passion, Helping You Discover Your Destiny”


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